How to Develop
a Communications Plan
What is a communication plan?
A communication plan is a strategic application of transferring the important information to your target audience. The plan defines the need of communication, its audience, objective, time of its delivery and communication medium to be used.
What is a communication plan? When should it be developed? Where does the information in the plan come from? How do you write one, and why should you bother?
Overworked and underfunded communicators (Are there any other kind?) have a right to ask whether the work involved in developing a plan is worth it. The answer is yes because a written communication plan will
- give your day-to-day work a focus,
- help you set priorities,
- provide you with a sense of order and control,
- help get the chief staff executive and staff to support your program,
- protect you against last-minute, seat-of-the-pants demands from staff and members, and
- prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, offering instead peace of mind.
What Is a Communication Plan?
A communication plan is a written document that describes
- what you want to accomplish with your association communications (your objectives),
- ways in which those objectives can be accomplished (your goals or program of work),
- to whom your association communications will be addressed (your audiences),
- how you will accomplish your objectives (the tools and timetable), and
- how you will measure the results of your program (evaluation).
A plan comprises of the details like:
- Goals to be accomplished through communication
- Ways to achieve those goals
- Determining who you want to deliver the message to
- How you want it to reach your audience
- Opting for the best method of communication
- When to communicate
- Who should deliver the information
- Means of evaluating the output
Before we take you through developing the communication plan course let us first brief you with the five H’s and one W of a communication plan for better understanding of the topic.
A communication plan encompasses of:
- Why do you need communication planning: This states the reasons for communication or you need to deliver the message
- What are planning to communicate: What is the message or information that you need to deliver
- Who is your target audience: The message you want to communicate attracts what audience
- When you should communicate: The right time to reach out to your audience plays an important role
- Whom you should assign to transfer your message: Communicator should to effective in order to deliver your message to its maximum output (For example: The script can be the same of a movie but how different actor will perform a role will make a huge difference in its output)
- How do you want to communicate: Communication channels can be of various types but which one will be more efficient, makes all the difference.
When to Develop the Plan
The best time to develop your plan is in conjunction with your annual budgeting or organizational planning process.Where to Get Information
Grist for the plan generally comes from five sources:- your association mission statement,
- a communication audit,
- membership surveys and focus groups,
- committee and leadership input, and
- discussions with other staff and departments.
How to Develop the Plan
Take the following steps to develop an effective communication plan:
Conduct a research-communication audit. Evaluate your current communications. Some associations hire firms to do this, but the price for the objectivity of an outside auditor can be high. To conduct your own audit, find out
- what every staff person is doing in the way of communication,
- what each communication activity is designed to achieve, and
- how effective each activity is.
- brainstorm with communication staff,
- talk to other departments,
- interview the chief staff executive,
- interview the board,
- talk to communication committee members,
- survey the membership,
- host focus groups, and
- query nonmembers.
Define objectives. Armed with information from your audit, define your overall communication objectives-the results you want to achieve. These might include
- excellent service to members,
- member loyalty,
- centralization of the communication effort,
- increased employee teamwork,
- improved product delivery,
- visibility for the association and the industry or profession it represents, and
- influence on government, media, consumers, and other audiences.
Define audiences. List all the audiences that your association might contact, attempt to influence, or serve. Included on your list may be
- members;
- nonmembers;
- consumers;
- related associations;
- adversarial associations;
- educators;
- federal, regional, and local governments;
- related industries; and
- the media.
Define goals. With stated objectives, and considering available human and financial resources, define goals-in other words, a program of work for each objective. Goals include general programs, products, or services that you will use to achieve stated objectives. For example, if the objective is to improve member service, goals might include improved training for the member-service function, special communications directed at first-time members, a reference manual for handling complaints, and ongoing information for members.
Identify tools. Decide what tools will be used to accomplish stated goals. These tools can be anything from a simple flyer to a glossy magazine. Don't overlook less obvious tools such as posters, report covers, Rolodex cards, and Web sites. Brainstorm ideas with your staff.
Establish a timetable. Once objectives, goals, audiences, and tools have been identified, quantify the results in a calendar grid that outlines roughly what projects will be accomplished and when. Separate objectives into logical time periods (monthly, weekly, etc.).
Evaluate the result. Build into your plan a method for measuring results. Your evaluation might take the form of
- a monthly report on work in progress,
- formalized department reports for presentation at staff meetings,
- periodic briefings of the chief staff executive and the department heads, and
- a year-end summary for the annual report.
Developing a written communication plan will take effort. Plan on three or four days the first time you do it. Once in place, the written plan will smooth your job all year long, earn you respect from the CEO and other staff, help set work priorities, protect you from last-minute demands, and bring a semblance of order to your chaotic job.
How to develop a communication plan
Communication is as important for any business or organization as the entire process to meet the end result. An effective communication plan helps you with better and adequate utilization of resources. It makes sure the efforts applied to execute the message to your target audience are used optimally and in a systematic procedure that would ensure the required outcome.
A communication plan would help you with:
- Prioritizing the work schedule
- Working in a disciplined manner
- Systematic working of the employees
The process to develop a plan involves the following steps:
- Inducing the purpose of your communication plan: This means establishing the aim for your communication. What is that you want to communicate and why, for what result you want to communicate?
- Setting your target audience: Knowing your audience is an important aspect. The entire process of communication means that you want to reach out to a person or set of people. You need to select who you want to reach or who will be your target audience?
- Channels of communication: How you will reach to your audience? Selecting the right methods to deliver your message to your target audience would ensure maximum productivity.
- Resources required: The material or tools required to communicate your message needs to be defined to reach out in the most efficient manner. What will you require to use the channel of your communication? Is it online communication? Mobile communication? Etc.
- Timeframe: Your message has to be delivered in a particular time, for a particular time and at a particular time to achieve the desired results. You have to be sure of the time of deliverance and how frequently it needs to be delivered for effective outcome.
- Evaluation: Evaluating the results with anticipated outcome will guide you further for improvisation and changes required. This evaluation can be in form of reports, meetings, audits and verification checks. The difference between what you have achieved? And what was your target? Will make you communication plan a failure or a hit.
Why do you need a Communication Plan
A communication plan is required when there’s a need to communicate something to your audience. It can be for:
- Providing Information: When you need to inform your audience about your purpose or what you need to convey about, that can be a product, service, an idea or a concept.
- Spreading your message to attain the required results: This means accomplishing a desired output through working in a particular way to reach to your listeners as an instruction to do or not to do something, For example: A ‘No Parking’ sign to inform people not a park at a particular place.
- Providing the right understanding: A communication plan is required when to want to avoid the misunderstanding of your message. It ensures providing the right information to your audience and paying attention to what is expected from your communication.
- Expressing your point of view: A communication plan can solve the hassle of expressing your viewpoint in the correct and efficient way.
Communication Plan – Course Curriculum
The course gives you an insight of developing an effective communication plan. It is covered in six sections:
Section – 1: Introduction
This section guides you through the “Introduction to How to develop a Communication Plan”. It talks about the necessity of communication planning. It contains detailed information on identifying the reasons for communication, its construction and efforts, resources and channels of communication and finally how to execute the plan with maximum return on output.
The topic “What is a Communication Plan” guides your through strategic application of the information with useful channel to deliver your message to target audience with optimum results.
You can be equipped with best techniques, ideas, technologies, and all other resources. But if it lacks communicating the same to your audience, all the equipment won’t fetch the required output.
The section briefs you on basic introduction and meaning of a communication plan.
Section – 2: Need of a communication plan
This section guides you the possibility to transfer your information accurately through a communication plan. It gives you an insight on the requirement to have a plan to reach out to your target audience with the effective outcome. It talks about how a communication plan makes your message more valuable. It also tells about how planning before communicating makes you save time on efforts and management after the deliverance of the information.
“Types of Communication plan” briefs you on the different channels and methods to communicate your information and also which works best with the given situation.
Section – 3: Telecommunication
This section talks about the channels to communicate to your target audience. It guides you on how a strong communication plan helps in smooth and productive working of a company.
“Telecommunication plan” covers the benefits of giving the right communication means to the employees to improve the efficiency and customer support.
“Mass Media Planning” defines channel of communicating through advertising and marketing.
“Educational Media Planning” talks about opting for the right media for education to reach your target audience.
“Development Communication Planning” explains how development through communication planning helps in successful utilization of resources.
Section –4: What can Communication do in Development
“What can a communication do in development” talks about using communication planning to facilitate development on social background.
“Benefits of Communication Plan” covers the achievements of applying a communication plan in a given situation. Through communication planning you can be sure of smooth working of a company with optimum utility.
“Communication Strategy” informs about the methods to be used or strategically planning your communication to enhance the development.
Section –5: Planning the Communication
“A conceptual Framework for Communication Planning” trains you on developing a plan according to a given situation. It talks about the methods and tools needed in planning your communication.
“More Complex Goal” would mean planning your communication in accordance with the anticipated results for a more complex situation.
“Adaptation” covers the concept of adapting to the situation to develop a communication plan. The resources or channels should be adopted as and when required to maximize the productivity.
“Stance for Analysis” is evaluating your communication plan with the outcome. Analyzing the area of improvement, need of your audience and applying them properly.
Section –6: Three levels of Planning
The topic trains you on 3 level of training for planning your communication to achieve your goals or purpose of your communication.
Target Audience
If you wish to learn about “How to Develop a Communication Plan”, this course is for you. To help you reach your audience in much effective manner a communication plan would be an easy way to minimize the efforts and maximize the output. The course would attract:
- A student interested in learning right ways for to apply the training in the corporate world or her/her business
- A professional who wishes to learn the development of a communication plan, and tips and tricks to have an effective one for his company
- Someone who wants to learn about the development process and procedure to set the communication according to the need.
Pre- Requisites
The basic requirement for the course would be:
- Computer knowledge with internet connectivity to learn about the course
- Keen on learning about Communication skills or knowledge about Communication planning
- A person having basic management knowledge
The requirement for this course would be that you are willing to learn about the topic and are looking for in-depth study to development of a communication plan. You would require computer skills with internet connectivity to have access for this course. Your interest area on communication planning and knowledge about the same must have been the reasons to pursue this course. The course would require your interest and skills in making a communication plan. Planning your communication would provide you with structured working and optimum productivity.
- How can I benefit from this course?
The training for developing a communication plan will enhance your working and effective reach to your listeners in the most sorted manner. It will ensure that your message is received through right channels and on right time to provide you with maximum productivity. The course will train you on how to apply the tips and development of a communication plan to its maximum capacity.
- How much time will be required to complete this training?
Training will be of 3+ Hours of HD videos with 18+ Lectures to complete the course. A verified certificate will be provided after the completion of the training.
- Where to apply a communication plan?
A communication plan can be applied to any project, meeting, marketing, sales, public relation or any field where you want to reach out to a particular set of audience. When you need to send your message to one or more people you can apply a communication plan. Once you are through with the training, you would learn to apply the plan accordingly.
- How this course helps in building up my career?
This course will help you with the in-depth development process to make a communication plan. As a student or a professional the verified certification for this course will help you in your career growth. The training is a simple process to learn how to develop a communication plan. It assists you in planning your reach to your target audience.
- How to develop a communication plan takes you through the process of planning your communication according to the requirement. The course is detailed and structured with the planning and applying. As the curriculum goes it defines different types of a communication plan, its need, how can you use the plan for development, and the different levels of planning.
- Communication skills and planning helps you with development and easy working of the process. It guides with developing a communication strategy to reach your target audience. The training helps you learn how to plan your communication before delivering it in a systematic way to achieve the maximum potential.
- The entire concept of these courses serves as an additional knowledge to your basic concepts. It enriches and solves with ease the major heck of life. The corporate industry looks out for candidates with such credentials and skills. It helps you with your knowledge of planning your communication strategy.
- The development of a communication plan course helps in training you with the procedure of delivering your message to your maximum audience in a prescribed format. The efforts you put to communicate may not always help you in reaching the right audience. With planning on your communication you know where to apply your resources and how to accomplish the anticipated goals.
- The course is full of all the information about a communication plan and how to develop it. It trains on when to execute the planned communication and who would be the right person or medium to deliver it. The step to step process also justifies the evaluation and any improvement, if required. The training is arranged in the manner of developing the communication plan process. So, it becomes easy to understand and grasp the concept.
Career Benefits
The training takes you through the process of developing a communication plan to reach your audience to generate the results. Application of an effective plan will help you succeed in achieving your desired goals. As an individual or a professional the skill of developing a communication plan gives a boost your career to perform better. This would make you to an experienced person with the given situation or field of your communication planning.
As management personnel, it will guide you with enhanced knowledge of managing and planning to accomplish the required outcome.
As a businessman, the training will help you in reaching out to the right audience with the right information at the right time. It trains you to systematically delivering your message to receive the anticipated goals.
The course certification after completing the training adds as a credential in your career. The knowledge will come handy to apply to any project or in any corporate field.
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